Photo: The ‘A’ team pictured at the 2015 North American Passive House Conference this fall. From left to right: Erik Olofsson, Andre Harrmann, Allison Holden-Pope, and Laura McMurran.

A Passive House is a team project. We learned that having a solid line-up collaborating from the start is beyond critical. Our integrated team brought diverse experience, passion, untold hours and late nights to the table to make the Khotso Passive House, the project it is.


Architect: One SEED Architecture + Interiors

Passive House Consultant: Harrmann Consulting

Builder: Erik Olofsson Construction Inc.

Structural Engineer: Jeff Allester Engineering

Geotechnical: Davies Geotechnical

PH Certification: CertiPHIers

The project team extends far beyond the official list above. We would like to extend our gratitude to Vancouver’s Passive House and building science community. Many of BC’s best met with us over coffee, fielded our calls, answered endless emails, reviewed notes, shared notes, forwarded relevant articles and research, and provided us with invaluable feedback, all on their own time and for their love of Passive House. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You know who you are.

We intend to keep the tradition alive by sharing our experiences and supporting others. Check back to our blog frequently, as we intend to roll-out informative posts about our experiences designing the Khotso Passive House.

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