Metro News’ Emily Jackson interviewed Allison for an article that placed a rendering of our Khotso Passive House (previously know under the working title of ‘Beacon Passive House’) on the second page of Friday’s paper. Read the full article: Metro News Passive House article
The article comes amidst a notable upswing in interest in Passive House from the media and general public. We can feel the tide shifting towards Passive House and are so excited for Vancouver’s community of Passive House designers and enthusiasts who have been pushing the agenda for soooo long.
The article was a short one, so we would like to expand on some project credits. Andre Harrmann from Harrmann Consulting has been a HUGE help as our unflappable energy modeller and general PHPP genius. Our team also includes Erik Olofsson as our builder, who has brought his experience with previous Passive House and pre-fab builds to the table, and has been an invaluable member of our integrated team during design and documentation. The article includes an un-credited photo of DLP Architecture’s Casa Luca Project.
More information about our Passive House project will be coming soon!
Not to be overshadowed by our excitement about Passive House getting the attention it deserves, is the fact that Vancouver City Council voted unanimously for 100% renewable energy by 2050. Very cool.