“Compact house lets nature do the work.” Don’t miss the latest issue of one of our favourite sources for all things green, EcoHouse Canada Magazine, as it features One SEED’s Passive Narrow House in a five page article including plans, sections, photographs, and a break-down of what makes it such a sustainable home. EcoHouse Canada Magazine, formerly known as ‘SABHomes’, is “the” high-performance housing magazine and residential counterpart to SABMag (Sustainable Architecture and Building Magazine).
“Located in a jungle of hip roofs, white vinyl, and pink stucco in East Vancouver, the Passive Narrow House makes green home ownership more affordable through careful planning, use of simple forms, and a combination of inexpensive yet durable materials that reduce maintenance costs. The passive strategies for lighting, heating, cooling and ventilating run on free solar energy, and the house has the ability to provide rental income of varying amounts based on the family’s changing needs.“
Read the full article here.